In this page the customer details are input.


  1. Social title

Can be selected: “Mr.” or “Mrs.”

  1. First name

This field is mandatory, when trying to save with the field empty, will show a message: “please fill out this field.”. Below has a help text: “Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed.”. When trying to save with invalid characters entered, will show an error: “The “First name” field is invalid.”.

  1. Last name

This field is mandatory, when trying to save with the field empty, will show a message: “please fill out this field.”. Below has a help text: “Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed.”. When trying to save with invalid characters entered, will show an error: “The “First name” field is invalid.”.

  1. Email

This field is mandatory, when trying to save with the field empty, will show a message: “please fill out this field.”.

  1. Password

This field is mandatory, when trying to save with the field empty, will show a message: “please fill out this field.”.

  1. Birthday

In this field there are 3 dorp-down fields for: year, month and day.

  1. Enabled

This is a toggle switch, can be turned to: “Yes” or “No”, by default is set to “Yes”. Has a help text below: “Enable or disable customer login.”.

  1. Partner offers

This is a toggle switch, can be turned to: “Yes” or “No”, by default is set to “No”. Has a help text below: “This customer will receive your ads via email.”.

  1. Group access

This is a mandatory table with several check boxes:

  • Select all - when pressed, selects all the check boxes.
  • Visitor (selected by default)
  • Guest (selected by default)
  • Customer (selected by default)

When trying to save without no check boxes marked, shows the error: “A default customer group must be selected in group box.”.

  1. Default customer group

This is a drop-down field, by defaul it is selected as “Customer”:

  • Visitor
  • Customer
  • Guest

Has a help text below: “This group will be the user’s default group. Only the discount for the selected group will be applied to this customer.”

Call to action

  • Cancel

When pressed, redirects back to customers listing

  • Save

When pressed redirects back to customers listing and a message is displayed: “Successful update.”.