In this section 5 fields are presented:
This is a mandatory input field, the field is multi language, can be translated to a selected language that is installed on the shop. Has a tooltip: “Invalid characters: 0-9!<>,;?=+()@#”{}_$%:". Trying to save with the field empty will show an error: “The field name is required at least in default shop language”. Trying to save with invalid characters, should show an error but is not (See issue #28320). The social title has a limit of 20 characters, if any more will be entered, when trying to save will show an error: “Your entry in field name exceeds max length 20 chars ( language () (incl. HTML tags). Trying to save in other languages selected
In this section there are 3 options for selection (only 1 can be selected):
In this section, a button: “Add file” is presented, when pressed, a pop-up appears for uploading an image. When uploading a wrong format, an error is shown: “The image format is not recognized. The allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png “.
Input field for the image width, by default has an input: “16”. Only numbers are allowed in this section, when entering any other symbol, will show an error: “Width and height must be numeric values.”. Has a tooltip: “Image width in pixels. Enter “0” to use the original size.
Input field for the image height, by default has an input: “16”. Only numbers are allowed in this section, when entering any other symbol, will show an error: “Width and height must be numeric values.”. Has a tooltip: “Image height in pixels. Enter “0” to use the original size.