The module when enabled allows cross-selling products to appear in the front office
When pressed redirect back to the module manager [Modules > Module manager] “View module manager”)).
When pressed, a pop-up opens with a drop-down, from which it is possible to select one of the languages installed on the shop to translate the module.
Checks for updates on the module.
When pressed redirects to the Design > Positions).
2 fields are present in this section:
This is a toggle switch, by default it is set to: “No”. Has a help text below: “Show the price on the products in the block.”. Enabling this toggle switch will show the prices of the cross-selling products.
This is an input field, by default it has a number “8” in it. Only numbers are allowed in this section, entering any other characters when saving will show an error: “Invalid number.”.
When pressed, a message shows: “The settings have been updated.”.
This section has a checkbox for:
By default the checkbox is marked.