Articles about News
Hello 2022, meet our new Front office theme
Here are some more details about it
April 2024: Hummingbird situation In 2023, it was decided that Hummingbird should be implemented in PrestaShop 9. While we would love to see Hummingbird in PrestaShop 9, integrating it as a default theme comes at a price. It impacts the entire ecosystem, and we are currently evaluating the feasibility of this move. We will keep you updated on the progress.
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PrestaShop beyond 1.7
Here is what we are planning next!
Five years ago, PrestaShop 1.7 was released to the world, introducing Symfony, the Classic theme and child theme features, interface improvements, and so much more. With each one of the eight minor versions that followed, 1.7 kept on growing both in features and stability. Its maturity is recognized by its success: with over 170,000 live shops detected at the time of writing, it’s the most popular PrestaShop version used in production shops on the web.
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Introducing TypeScript
Moving our Javascript code to the next level
Following a recent Architecture Decision Records (ADR) submission and a Proof of Concept (POC), the Core Maintainers team has decided to introduce TypeScript (TS) on the project.
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Heads up: old development branches are going away
We are cleaning up old branches from our repository
The month of June is fast approaching, so it’s time for a late Spring clean!
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PrestaShop is now available on Composer
A new way to kickstart your projects
Released almost 10 years ago, Composer is the most popular package manager for the PHP ecosystem. PrestaShop has been using it since 1.7.0 to manage its dependencies, including all the native modules.
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Focusing on essential modules
Announcing end of official support for less popular modules
Over the years, the PrestaShop project became host and maintainer for a very large number of open source modules. Last year, over 160 of them were present in our GitHub organization. As you probably know already, maintaining them requires a lot of work, and the maintainer team’s resources are limited. Proof of this is that some of these modules have not been updated in years.
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A new place to contribute to the PrestaShop project and share your feedback on the next features
Discover PrestaShop's new tool to collect feedback and better prioritize what to build next!
As announced here, the Core product team recently adopted a new working tool to gather feedback and prioritize features: Productboard. No more teasing, it is now time to have a look at how it will look and how we will all be able to handle it!
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UX Guidelines for modules developers
Download the best practices in PDF to create consistent interfaces in the Back Office of PrestaShop
With more than 4000 modules available on PrestaShop Addons marketplace, the diversity of features developed by modules developers or by the PrestaShop team is growing faster every day, making PrestaShop one of the most adaptive and versatile e-commerce solution.
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Fighting against spamming - again!
Don't play spam invaders
Remember the movie scene from Terminator when Arnold Swcharzenegger says “I’ll be back”? Well, this is pretty close to what spammers said last year after we prevented them from spamming our merchants’ contact forms (see article here).
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Fighting against spamming
Don't play spam invaders
Remember some Rocky fight scenes where Sylvester Stallone is beating the living daylights out of his opponents? Well, this is pretty close to the situation we are experiencing now, fighting against spammers.
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