PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.


  • How to solve the search bar issue after upgrading to PrestaShop 1.7.8

    Everything you need to know to fix the issue

    We have recently been informed that many of you have encountered a display problem with the search bar in Front office, right after upgrading to PrestaShop 1.7.8. This problem also affected shops using the built-in “classic” theme.

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  • PrestaShop 2018 release schedule

    What to expect, and when to expect it

    Our release calendar for the next versions of PrestaShop 1.7 and 1.6.

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  • How to create the best bug reports

    Three rules: up-to-date, reproducible, and detailed.

    Every morning, the Product and QA team gather around a big screen, and review the new Forge tickets that were created since the day before. At the end of the meeting, all new tickets must be asserted, and if need be, placed into the hand of a team member.

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  • How to rebase your Git branch

    git rebase can be tricky, but remains your friend!

    Contributing code to PrestaShop can be scary for first-timers, because not everyone knows how Git works. By the time you have figured how to properly push your changes to GitHub, the codebase has changed, rendering your suggestions impossible to merge – leading to frustration on both sides. It’s high time you learn about git rebase.

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  • Being in an Open Source community

    You might be part of one without even realizing it!

    PrestaShop is an Open Source project. To most, this mostly means that the software is free of charge: you do not have to pay anyone for the default product. There is much more to this, starting with its community.

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  • PrestaShop 2017 release schedule

    What to expect, and when to expect it

    Our release calendar for the next versions of PrestaShop 1.7 and 1.6.

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  • How to contribute to PrestaShop

    You don't need to be a coder!

    Hey, welcome! If you landed here, it means that you’re interested in participating, testing, improving or giving your thoughts about PrestaShop Project.

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  • Set up your Git for contributing

    Tweak your git configuration to work better

    Any open source project comes with its own set of rules to harmonize everybody’s contributions. Usually the guidelines are described in a file inside the project root directory.

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  • Create the perfect .gitignore file for your PrestaShop projects

    Commit only the right files

    As a serious developer, you need to use versioning (or “revision control”) for your projects, in order to track changes to your files… and be able to travel back in time when a disaster happens. There are many CVS (Concurrent Versions System) available out there today, but Git is by far the most popular in 2015, and one of the most used in the Open Source world, right behind Subversion (svn).

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  • How to write on this blog

    or: How we tried to ensure that only developers could write on the devblog :)

    When we started talking about a dev blog among us, we thought about who could write, what we wanted to talk about, who was going to review the articles…

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