PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Articles about PrestaShop development

  • PrestaShop 9 Alpha 1 is Available!

    We need your help! Check the new major PrestaShop version.

    Here it is. The first public alpha of PrestaShop 9 is available. We decided it was time to share with you the first results of our work on PrestaShop 9.

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  • PrestaShop 9 minimum PHP version will be PHP8.1

    The project moves forward and drops obsolete PHP versions

    The develop branch contains the source code that will give birth to PrestaShop 9. This is the future of PrestaShop: it will be released either at the end of the year 2023 or at the beginning of the year 2024 and must carry on the ambition of the project for 2024. This major version must also embrace the change in the PHP ecosystem, and consequently, it must drop the support of obsolete PHP versions.

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  • Introducing TypeScript

    Moving our Javascript code to the next level

    Following a recent Architecture Decision Records (ADR) submission and a Proof of Concept (POC), the Core Maintainers team has decided to introduce TypeScript (TS) on the project.

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  • Heads up: old development branches are going away

    We are cleaning up old branches from our repository

    The month of June is fast approaching, so it’s time for a late Spring clean!

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  • PrestaShop is now available on Composer

    A new way to kickstart your projects

    Released almost 10 years ago, Composer is the most popular package manager for the PHP ecosystem. PrestaShop has been using it since 1.7.0 to manage its dependencies, including all the native modules.

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  • A journey to improve the Time To Interactive metric in Classic Theme

    When the lazy loading allow us to improve the LightHouse Score

    The project Core Web Vitals from Google has announced that loading time and performance will have an impact on the website ranking in search results. Google mentions lazy loading in their suggestions. Lazy loading will be available on Classic Theme in version 1.7.8 thanks to Progi1984 and it will definitely improve both user experience and loading time on your site!

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  • Open Question: What about not committing generated files anymore?

    Let’s talk assets, we want your opinion!

    This post is the first of a new kind. We decided to open up more with you about technical questioning and decisions for the PrestaShop project. This one is about generated asset files.

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  • PrestaShop is available!

    You waited for it, here it is!

    We are happy to announce PrestaShop is officially available!

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  • PSD Paris 2019: a space dedicated to developers

    Come and meet to solve issues and merge pull requests in real life

    That’s official, there will be a dedicated space for developers at the PSD Paris 2019. If you are developing themes and modules or contributing to the core, this is the place to be the 4th of June 2019.

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  • Announcing end of support for obsolete PHP versions

    It's time to move forward

    About a year and a half ago, we announced that PrestaShop would be dropping support for PHP 5.4 and 5.5. At that time, this decision was justified by the impending end-of-maintenance for Symfony 2 and its replacement by Symfony 3, which didn’t support PHP versions older than 5.5.

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