PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Articles about Design

  • A new place to contribute to the PrestaShop project and share your feedback on the next features

    Discover PrestaShop's new tool to collect feedback and better prioritize what to build next!

    As announced here, the Core product team recently adopted a new working tool to gather feedback and prioritize features: Productboard. No more teasing, it is now time to have a look at how it will look and how we will all be able to handle it!

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  • Product development at PrestaShop

    What happens in the team when working on new features

    In March 2020, the Core product team at PrestaShop, in charge of building and prioritizing new features, decided to work with a new tool: Productboard.

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  • Contribute to the UI kit of the 1.7 back office

    Yes, yes, we have a UI kit :)

    PrestaShop is 10 years old this year. 10 years and a software that have experienced 7 major evolutions.

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  • User tests are not enough

    We created Lean Feedback, a collaborative workshop to help you deal with user tests results

    As a designer, product manager or entrepreneur you’ve probably been told countless times that user feedback is gold (and that’s true!). There’s no shortage of books and articles that describe the benefits of testing your product with your users. While these documents provide good advice on how the test is done, they often lack explanations on how to make sense of this feedback and how this process fits inside a team.

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  • Designing the new PrestaShop default theme

    How we rebuilt the front office to suit any merchant

    When merchants use PrestaShop for the first time, they’re offered a basic shop with demo products and a default theme. This basic theme is essential for the merchants to have a clear insight of what their new shop will look like. For the 1.7 version of the software, we’ve decided to revamp this default theme which we called “Classic”.

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