Articles about PrestaShop 1.7
PrestaShop Beta 3 is out!
Step by step, ooooh babay!
Hot on the heels of Beta 2, here’s PrestaShop Beta 3, ready for you to test and give feedback about!
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PrestaShop reaches Beta 2 stage
Making progress!
We are happy to announce that PrestaShop is now available for testing in its 2nd Beta version. More than ever, we need YOUR feedback as a merchant, a service provider, a module developer or a theme designer.
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PrestaShop 1.7 is now open for translation
Ready... Set... Go!
Big news! Translations for PrestaShop 1.7 are now available on Crowdin.
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Coming Soon: A New Translation System for PrestaShop 1.7
Or how it should be easier to translate PrestaShop from now on
With the introduction of Symfony in PrestaShop 1.7, we had to rethink how our system of translation worked, to make sure new pages were translatable too. Instead of merely adapting our current system to Symfony, we took this opportunity to rethink how it works, to optimize it a bit.
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Module development changes in PrestaShop
Prepare your 1.6 modules to ensure maximum 1.7 compatibility
Existing modules should mostly work as-is with version 1.7. In this article, we dive into that “mostly”!
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Designing the new PrestaShop default theme
How we rebuilt the front office to suit any merchant
When merchants use PrestaShop for the first time, they’re offered a basic shop with demo products and a default theme. This basic theme is essential for the merchants to have a clear insight of what their new shop will look like. For the 1.7 version of the software, we’ve decided to revamp this default theme which we called “Classic”.
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PrestaShop Beta 1 is open for feedback!
Dear community, this is your time to shine!
The first Beta version for PrestaShop is now ready for you to test!
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How we reorganized the main menu in PrestaShop 1.7
And what you should know about it
Did you think everything had been said about PrestaShop 1.7 version? In our quest towards a simpler interface, the main menu was reorganized, mostly to make it easier for you to navigate in PrestaShop. So here are a few things you should be aware of.
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Here comes PrestaShop alpha 4!
Less bugs, more fun: test it now!
Three weeks ago we released PrestaShop alpha 3. Since then, and with the help of the community, we’ve been working on it to fix the bugs you’ve reported and to keep improving this new version. We’re now releasing PrestaShop alpha 4 version, so we can keep gathering feedback and make sure that the final and stable version will be the best it can be!
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Test PrestaShop alpha 3 now!
This is your chance to contribute!
Here it is. After two internal alpha versions, we’re happy to present to you this public alpha release of PrestaShop – the first in a series of public alpha/beta/RC versions that we intend to release over several weeks, in order to gather feedback and make sure that the final and stable version is the best it can be!
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