PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.
Mathieu Ferment's picture

All articles by Mathieu Ferment

Tech Manager
  • PSDevCon 2023: PrestaShop News - Where We Are And Where We’re Going

    PrestaShop Project Progress: Reflecting on 2023 and Beyond

    The PrestaShop Developer Conference happened on the 30th of November 2023. During the day, I was able to present a conference, titled “PrestaShop news - Where we are and where we’re going”. This blog post is a written version of the presentation that I also partially presented at the December Live Update on December 20th.

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  • PrestaShop ZIP archives repository is available

    Keeping past PrestaShop versions

    In order to make sure old release packages remain available for anyone who needs them, we published a new GitHub repository “ZIP Archives”, which aims to store all published PrestaShop ZIP archives.

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  • PrestaShop 9 minimum PHP version will be PHP8.1

    The project moves forward and drops obsolete PHP versions

    The develop branch contains the source code that will give birth to PrestaShop 9. This is the future of PrestaShop: it will be released either at the end of the year 2023 or at the beginning of the year 2024 and must carry on the ambition of the project for 2024. This major version must also embrace the change in the PHP ecosystem, and consequently, it must drop the support of obsolete PHP versions.

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  • PrestaShop 1.7.8 is now in the extended support phase

    What to expect for PrestaShop 1.7 and 8

    Now that PrestaShop 8.0 is out, here is a focus on maintained branches of the PrestaShop project and what to expect.

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  • An update on the Symfony migration

    What's next?

    In December 2015, a groundbreaking change in PrestaShop was announced: the introduction of the Symfony framework into the CMS. The goal was to gradually replace PrestaShop’s custom framework with Symfony, and switch its templating system from Smarty to Twig. This project was known as “The Symfony migration”. Looking back, we realize that referring to this project as a “migration” wasn’t really accurate at all.

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  • PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - May 2021 session

    We held the fifth session of the open source project's public demo

    The project’s fifth monthly public demo session was held and streamed live on May 26, 2021.

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  • PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - April 2021 session

    We held the fourth session of the open source project's public demo

    The project’s fourth monthly public demo session was held and streamed live on April 28, 2021.

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  • PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - March 2021 session

    We held the third session of the open source project's public demo

    The project’s third monthly public demo session was held and streamed live on March 31, 2021.

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  • PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - Choosing the pace

    We aim to host open source project's public demo every month

    Following the February session of the open source project’s public demo, we now feel confident to set a pace for these events.

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  • PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - February 2021 session

    We held the second session of the open source project's public demo

    Last week, the maintainers team held again a video conferencing for the project public demonstrations session, streamed live on YouTube.

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