Articles about Contribution
PrestaShop Day Paris is next week!
Come meet and share with the community in Paris!
The date is approaching! We will welcome you at this year’s edition of the PrestaShop Day Paris event next week, on Thursday 15th!
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Contributor Night & barcamp: PrestaShop Day Paris is in 3 weeks!
Come meet and share with the community in Paris!
A quick reminder about the PrestaShop Day, and the two community events tagging along!
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How to create the best bug reports
Three rules: up-to-date, reproducible, and detailed.
Every morning, the Product and QA team gather around a big screen, and review the new Forge tickets that were created since the day before. At the end of the meeting, all new tickets must be asserted, and if need be, placed into the hand of a team member.
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Contributor Night & barcamp: Community Events around the PrestaShop Day 2017
Come and contribute live with other community members in Paris!
Do you want to contribute, share experiences and meet the community? All of this is possible this June in Paris: come enjoy the PrestaShop Day Paris, and the events that we are setting up for the community!
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Being in an Open Source community
You might be part of one without even realizing it!
PrestaShop is an Open Source project. To most, this mostly means that the software is free of charge: you do not have to pay anyone for the default product. There is much more to this, starting with its community.
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Video: Contributing to the PrestaShop project
♫ There are many shades of black ♪ ... and many ways to contribute
PrestaShop was released last Monday (have you noticed?), and the improvements and fixes keep coming in, thanks to community members like you!
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A look back on the PrestaShop project in 2016
A few stats to celebrate our community!
Following up on both last Friday’s HNY post and last Monday’s lookback on the translation project, here’s an infographic presenting a few stats on the PrestaShop project, from GitHub and the Forge!
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Contributor Night & barcamp: Community Events around the PrestaShop Day
Come and contribute live with us in Paris!
The yearly PrestaShop Day event is coming to Paris, France on Thursday June 2nd, and contributors are invited to join in on the fun with two events: a Contributor Night in the PrestaShop office on the day before, and a Community Barcamp within the event’s walls. Let’s meet and exchange!
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