Articles about Contribute

  • A definition of the 'good first issue' label

    A new way to onboard contributors on the PrestaShop project

    Earlier this year, the PrestaShop product team decided to use new leverage to help new contributors participate in the PrestaShop project on GitHub: the ‘good first issue’ label.

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  • Improvements to come on contributors board

    More features, more modern, and more information about contributors

    After all those years without any modification nor improvement, it is time to think about the future of the “Top contribution achievements” board. While discussing with many people from the community on how to open the governance of the open source project, and how to involve more contributors, new needs have been identified. This article is about quick wins, upcoming developments, and about the general spirit behind this work.

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  • PrestaShop Day Paris 2020: Call for Papers is open

    It's time to submit a talk to speak in front of the community

    Last year, a developer space was available at the PrestaShop Day Paris. This year, this space grows and will include an area for conferences and workshops dedicated to active contributors to the open source project.

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  • PrestaShop keeps growing internationally

    PrestaShop and its community extend the frontiers of your business

    No need to repeat it: PrestaShop is an international solution. We aim at providing highly global features for worldwide users, and it means providing many useful localization packs containing correct and up-to-date information.

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  • Contribute to the UI kit of the 1.7 back office

    Yes, yes, we have a UI kit :)

    PrestaShop is 10 years old this year. 10 years and a software that have experienced 7 major evolutions.

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  • Contribute to this devblog!

    Make your voice heard!

    Ever felt there were topics that the Build devblog should talk about? Best practices to follow? Here’s your chance!

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  • An update on the 1.7 RTL project

    (: tcejorp LTR eht no etadpu nA

    Some time ago we announced the launch of a project to better adapt PrestaShop to right-to-left (RTL) languages. We already have a small community overviewing what is going on (thank you!). To make sure everybody shares the same level of information, here is where we stand so far.

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  • Making PrestaShop RTL-compliant together with you

    A call to the power of the PrestaShop community!

    As an editor of a free software translated in many languages, our wish has always been that merchants from anywhere around the world could be able to sell easily thanks to PrestaShop.

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  • How to contribute to the User Guide and help translate it

    A quick guide to writing PrestaShop Documentation on Confluence

    Some of you contacted us to help translate the PrestaShop User Guide into their language. To make things easier for anyone who wants to help write some user documentation, here is a quick guide on how to use Confluence, on which our user documentation is hosted.

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  • Paying tribute to our community of translators

    Let's thank them for making PrestaShop available worldwide

    Each month we’ve been presenting the top contributors to our translation project on Crowdin, in the “Do you Speak PrestaShop?” reports. It’s nice, interesting and all… but we wanted to do more! The people behind PrestaShop translations deserve a real tribute. When you think about it, translators are the ones who, thanks to their hard work, make it possible for PrestaShop to reach new countries, and for merchants to sell cross-border. It’s HUGE!

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