Articles about Community

  • Help us write product specifications

    Contribute without typing a single code line

    Contribution is not only about code. As an open source project, everyone is encouraged to participate in the construction of PrestaShop: you can translate the software in your native language, suggest a new feature, sign up to the User Club and share your experience with the product teams, become an ambassador… and also write specifications!

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  • How bug reports are handled

    And how we want to improve the quality of the process

    PrestaShop is a successful Open Source project – with more than 300 000 shops worldwide, merchants trust us to help them build their ecommerce shop.

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  • A definition of the 'good first issue' label

    A new way to onboard contributors on the PrestaShop project

    Earlier this year, the PrestaShop product team decided to use new leverage to help new contributors participate in the PrestaShop project on GitHub: the ‘good first issue’ label.

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  • Improvements to come on contributors board

    More features, more modern, and more information about contributors

    After all those years without any modification nor improvement, it is time to think about the future of the “Top contribution achievements” board. While discussing with many people from the community on how to open the governance of the open source project, and how to involve more contributors, new needs have been identified. This article is about quick wins, upcoming developments, and about the general spirit behind this work.

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  • PrestaShop Day Paris 2020: Call for Papers is open

    It's time to submit a talk to speak in front of the community

    Last year, a developer space was available at the PrestaShop Day Paris. This year, this space grows and will include an area for conferences and workshops dedicated to active contributors to the open source project.

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  • The (new) PrestaShop Test Framework

    And how we're continually improving the quality of the PrestaShop project

    For a few months, quality has been a priority for PrestaShop: the QA team and I are proud to announce that we’re making great steps in improving the overall quality of the core project. Automatizing tests is a big part of this process: let’s see what we’re doing, why, and how! Note: this article is focused on the Core only, but that is just a small part of what the QA team is working on. More to come in a future article!

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  • Introduction to the fuzzy search

    When the community implements the Levenshtein algorithm

    It is always great to see contributions from our community merged, it reminds the power of working on an open-source project. Especially when there are great features at stake, like the fuzzy search.

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  • Open Question: What about not committing generated files anymore?

    Let’s talk assets, we want your opinion!

    This post is the first of a new kind. We decided to open up more with you about technical questioning and decisions for the PrestaShop project. This one is about generated asset files.

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  • Contributor interview: Tantely Rabevohitra

    Discover the faces behind the commits

    An open source community is more than just PR made by faceless strangers. In order to better understand the people who contribute time and skills to the PrestaShop project, we’re writing a series of interviews with contributors of all ranges. This week, meet Tantely Rabevohitra, one of our great translators!

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  • What happens to pull requests after they are submitted

    Discover what happens behind scenes during code review

    The PrestaShop project currently (September 2019) has 389 pull requests open and new Pull Requests are opened almost everyday. All of these pull requests go through a thorough process which aims to provide a stable, consistent and reliable software that we all know under the name PrestaShop. Here is this process in details.

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