Articles about Community
PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - March 2021 session
We held the third session of the open source project's public demo
The project’s third monthly public demo session was held and streamed live on March 31, 2021.
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PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - Choosing the pace
We aim to host open source project's public demo every month
Following the February session of the open source project’s public demo, we now feel confident to set a pace for these events.
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PrestaShop Public OSS Demo - February 2021 session
We held the second session of the open source project's public demo
Last week, the maintainers team held again a video conferencing for the project public demonstrations session, streamed live on YouTube.
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Second public demo from the maintainers team
Meet us for the second session of the open source project's public demo
As announced previously, the next session of public demonstration from the maintainers team will happen tomorrow, Thursday 25th of February, at 2 pm CET!
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Announcing public demos from the maintainers team
We held the first session of the open source project's public demo
Last month, the maintainers team held a special event for the open source project: a public demonstrations session. To better understand what this is about, let’s provide some context.
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Testing Pull Requests on PrestaShop
How does the QA team handle the testing of Pull Requests?
The PrestaShop company created a Quality Assurance team 4 years ago, in 2016, to improve the quality of the open source project – but also of its products and services. Over the last year, the team has grown quickly, taking quality to the next level! Its field of action has been widening (tests of new services like Prestashop Checkout, specifications reviews, etc.) but the core of the manual testers’ activity remains the same: verifying Pull Requests (“PRs”) on GitHub, and testing every release.
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2020 Call for Papers: that was great!
A quick tour of the result
This year, for the first time, a Call for Papers was organised for a PrestaShop event. The objective was to give a voice to the community and learn from its active members. Let’s make a quick tour of the results.
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Automated UI tests tutorial
Step by step - Adding a new PrestaShop UI test
One year ago, the QA team started to develop a new test framework, based on Puppeteer, Mocha, and Chai. You can read more about the framework in this previous article: The (new) PrestaShop Test Framework. Since then, the tests coverage has been continually increasing, and we recently improved our framework by switching to Playwright.
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Contributor interview: Pululu Kinanga André
Discover the faces behind the commits
An open source community is more than just pull requests made by faceless strangers. In order to better understand the people who contribute time and skills to the PrestaShop project, we’re writing a series of interviews with contributors of all ranges. This week, meet Pululu Kinanga André, one of our great developers on GitHub!
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Hacktoberfest 2020 is coming
Bring the lights on open source projects
Open source has its own tradition when fall starts cooling the atmosphere around, Hacktoberfest! Beer is not flowing like water but code is, and it creates more value than any bunch of slightly tipsy people. ;-)
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