PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Articles about review

  • What happens to pull requests after they are submitted

    Discover what happens behind scenes during code review

    The PrestaShop project currently (September 2019) has 389 pull requests open and new Pull Requests are opened almost everyday. All of these pull requests go through a thorough process which aims to provide a stable, consistent and reliable software that we all know under the name PrestaShop. Here is this process in details.

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  • (Almost) A Year of Build

    Indulge us while we bathe in our yearly self-celebratory post

    The Build devblog was started in March 2015 (and officially launched on April 3rd), as a way for the devteam to let the PrestaShop Community know about the things that we were planning. We wanted to communicate directly with the technical minds in the Community, and out of this want, this blog was born!

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