Articles about Contribution
Merchant, freelance developer, and top contributor: Daniel Hlaváček’s experience with the PrestaShop project
Discover the faces behind the commits
Have you ever wondered who was hiding behind a GitHub username? It’s time to find out! Contributor interviews are a great way of getting to know the people who participate in the PrestaShop project. This month, meet Daniel Hlaváček, aka Hlavtox.
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Jean-François Viguier: a top contributor and a friend of PrestaShop
Discover the faces behind the commits
Have you ever wondered who was hiding behind a GitHub username? It’s time to find out! Contributor interviews are a great way of getting to know the people who participate in the PrestaShop project. This month, meet Jean-François Viguier, aka jf-viguier.
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Lorenz Meyer: a dedicated contributor supported by his employer
Discover the faces behind the commits
Have you ever wondered who was hiding behind a GitHub username? It’s time to find out! Contributor interviews are a great way of getting to know the people who participate in the PrestaShop project. This month, meet Lorenz Meyer, aka @lmeyer1.
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From contributor to maintainer: Krystian Podemski's experience with the PrestaShop project
Discover the faces behind the commits
A few years ago, a series of contributor interviews was published on the blog. It was a nice way of putting faces to names and getting to know the people who participate in the PrestaShop project. And this year, we wanted to do it again. So here we go: this section is back on the blog!
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Hacktoberfest 2021
October is here, so is Hacktoberfest!
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open-source software that happens online every October, sponsored by the American cloud hosting company DigitalOcean. People are encouraged to engage and create at least 4 pull requests for open-source projects on GitHub.
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Automated UI tests tutorial
Step by step - Adding a new PrestaShop UI test
One year ago, the QA team started to develop a new test framework, based on Puppeteer, Mocha, and Chai. You can read more about the framework in this previous article: The (new) PrestaShop Test Framework. Since then, the tests coverage has been continually increasing, and we recently improved our framework by switching to Playwright.
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Contributor interview: Pululu Kinanga André
Discover the faces behind the commits
An open source community is more than just pull requests made by faceless strangers. In order to better understand the people who contribute time and skills to the PrestaShop project, we’re writing a series of interviews with contributors of all ranges. This week, meet Pululu Kinanga André, one of our great developers on GitHub!
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Hacktoberfest 2020 is coming
Bring the lights on open source projects
Open source has its own tradition when fall starts cooling the atmosphere around, Hacktoberfest! Beer is not flowing like water but code is, and it creates more value than any bunch of slightly tipsy people. ;-)
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Help us write product specifications
Contribute without typing a single code line
Contribution is not only about code. As an open source project, everyone is encouraged to participate in the construction of PrestaShop: you can translate the software in your native language, suggest a new feature, sign up to the User Club and share your experience with the product teams, become an ambassador… and also write specifications!
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How bug reports are handled
And how we want to improve the quality of the process
PrestaShop is a successful Open Source project – with more than 300 000 shops worldwide, merchants trust us to help them build their ecommerce shop.
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