PrestaShop Core Weekly - Week 41 of 2019
An inside look at the PrestaShop codebase
This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase from Monday 07th to Sunday 13th of October 2019.
A quick update about PrestaShop’s GitHub issues and pull requests:
- 55 new issues have been created in the project repositories;
- 58 issues have been closed, including 16 fixed issues on the core;
- 51 pull requests have been opened in the project repositories;
- 66 pull requests have been closed, including 55 merged pull requests.
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch
Back office
- #15814: Implement cart information providing in BO order creation page - part 1. Thank you @zuk3975
- #15808: Introduces icons instead of dropdown column for Orders page list. Thank you @tomas862
- #15514: Add condition to avoid duplicate invoice line.. Thank you @FlorentinGarnier
- #15245: Update jQuery to 3.4.1 in the legacy Back Office pages, by @matthieu-rolland
- #15084: Remove price precision in admin shop preferences , by @matthieu-rolland
- #14864: Files list migration. Thank you @RaimondasSapola
- #14040: Migrate Sell > Catalog > Attributes & Features > Attributes list. Thank you @zuk3975
Front office
- #15916: Set emailsubscription input required. Thank you @davidglezz
- #15851: Fixed missing translation for tax label. Thank you @JevgenijVisockij
- #15840: do not apply htmlentities before insterting message in db, by @matthieu-rolland
- #15799: Fix The Association of payment methods with delivery module. Thank you @Seleda
- #15706: Wrong combinaison reference in customer account order history. Thank you @PululuK
- #15623: Do not allow to put item in cart if available quantity is 0, by @matks
- #15501: Updated blockReassurance in composer.json, by @Progi1984
- #15888: Update jquery in installation pages, by @matthieu-rolland
- #15912: Fix missing currency in behat test, by @matthieu-rolland
- #15868: Update puppeteer Tests description on package.json, by @boubkerbribri
- #15848: Fix E2E dockerfile as npm is not anymore in the nodejs package, by @PierreRambaud
Code changes in the ‘1.7.6.x’ branch (for
- #15917: Define use_debug_toolbar even if it’s not set in parameters.php, by @PierreRambaud
- #15731: Webservices shouldn’t display warning when running with fpm or Nginx, by @PierreRambaud
- #15691: Cart rules mustn’t be auto added automatically in some cases, by @PierreRambaud
- #15621: Revert “Fix lang table multi-store data issue”, by @matks
Back office
- #15880: Fix wrong data mapping in export, by @eternoendless
- #15859: Add clickable row option for grid actions, by @jolelievre
- #15856: Must use min-with instead max-widght for the Profile button, by @PierreRambaud
- #15855: Allow anonymous mode for AdminController, by @PierreRambaud
- #15895: Add management of an env var to disable debug toolbar in travis tests, by @jolelievre
- #15847: Npm is not anymore in the nodejs package, by @PierreRambaud
Code changes in modules, themes & tools
- #440: Revert “Add PS Checkout”, by @Quetzacoalt91
- #439: Add PS Checkout, by @Quetzacoalt91
- #186: Missing braces before moving install and admin directories, by @PierreRambaud
- #185: Missing checks, by @PierreRambaud
- #184: Adding multi install lock. Thank you @djodjo3
Changes in developer documentation
- #380: Slight grammar adjustments and version updates. Thank you @NathanGiesbrecht
- #379: Reorganize contribute section, explain how to contribute with localhost, by @matks
- #376: Fixed spelling and grammatical errors. Thank you @pfortune
- #375: Fixed spelling and grammatical mistakes. Thank you @pfortune
- #374: Fixed spelling mistake. Thank you @pfortune
- #372: Fixed spelling mistakes. Thank you @pfortune
- #371: Removed unnecessary word. Thank you @pfortune
- #370: Fixed grammatical and spelling mistakes. Thank you @pfortune
- #369: Activate a language in Prestashop : Review from @LouiseBonnard, by @Progi1984
- #256: Adds documentation about value objects. Thank you @sarjon
PrestaShop Specifications
- #74: New tree improvement. Thank you @samuel-pires
- #73: created new tree folders and gitkeep. Thank you @samuel-pires
- #72: New tree - SELL folders. Thank you @samuel-pires
- #71: [SPEC] Grids in migrated pages. Thank you @samuel-pires
Email alerts module
- #21: Improve remove link. Thank you @davidglezz
Klarnaofficial payment gateway
- #11: klarnafooter.tpl: Fix exception when disabling footer display in kcov3.. Thank you @Perfecticus
Faceted search module
- #146: Use specific prestashop version for phpstan, by @PierreRambaud
Shopping cart module
- #46: Add contributors file, by @matks
- #45: Add and apply php cs fixer, by @matks
- #42: Remove duplicate call to $(document).ready. Thank you @GCDeveloper
- #9: Demo module devops. Thank you @lfourreau
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @Quetzacoalt91, @PierreRambaud, @davidglezz, @PierreRambaud, @matthieu-rolland, @NathanGiesbrecht, @PierreRambaud, @samuel-pires, @jolelievre, @samuel-pires, @matks, @samuel-pires, @matthieu-rolland, @eternoendless, @davidglezz, @boubkerbribri, @Perfecticus, @samuel-pires, @PierreRambaud, @jolelievre, @PierreRambaud, @PierreRambaud, @matks, @matks, @JevgenijVisockij, @PierreRambaud, @PierreRambaud, @matthieu-rolland, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @djodjo3, @Progi1984, @zuk3975, @tomas862, @Seleda, @Quetzacoalt91, @PierreRambaud, @PululuK, @PierreRambaud, @matks, @matks, @lfourreau, @FlorentinGarnier, @Progi1984, @matthieu-rolland, @matthieu-rolland, @sarjon, @RaimondasSapola, @zuk3975, @GCDeveloper, @sarjon!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with issues and comments on GitHub!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use GitHub to report an issue. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!