New and updated hooks in PrestaShop
Get up to speed with the next version!
PrestaShop is just around the corner! With this minor version comes a number of improvements and new features – as well as new hooks! Get to know them now!
Since the release of in November 2016, we have released six patch versions, fixing the most pressing issues that were reported to us, either through GitHub pull requests or Forge tickets.
In parallel to this bugfixing work, the team has busied itself with improving PrestaShop, preparing for (which is to be released this month!). You can test the Beta, and this article presents the latest changes hook-wise.
This article ends with the list of hooks that are common to 1.7.0.x and 1.7.1.x: now you have a single page with all 1.7.1.x hooks! :)
Hooks only in 1.7.1.x
Hook name | File(s) |
actionClearCache |
actionClearCompileCache |
actionClearSf2Cache |
actionDispatcherAfter |
actionDispatcherBefore |
actionObjectProductInCartDeleteAfter |
actionObjectProductInCartDeleteBefore |
actionOutputHTMLBefore |
actionProductSearchAfter |
actionSearch |
actionSubmitAccountBefore |
actionUpdateLangAfter |
displayAfterProductThumbs |
displayBanner |
displayNav |
displayProductAdditionalInfo |
displayProductListFunctionalButtons |
displayProductListReviews |
filterProductSearch |
Hooks only in 1.7.0
Hook name | File(s) |
actionDeleteProductInCartAfter |
actionProductSearchComplete |
displayAdminProductsExtra |
displayProductButtons |
Hooks updated in 1.7.1.x
A couple of hooks were modified between 1.7.0.x and 1.7.1.x.
has been divided into two hooks:actionObjectProductInCartDeleteBefore
has been renamed intodisplayProductAdditionalInfo
.- Don’t worry, we kept an alias :)
Common hooks
Hook name | File(s) in 1.7.0 | File(s) in 1.7.1 |
action |
actionAdmin |
actionAdminControllerSetMedia |
actionAdminLoginControllerSetMedia |
actionAdminMetaAfterWriteRobotsFile |
actionAdminMetaBeforeWriteRobotsFile |
actionAdminMetaSave |
actionAdminOrdersTrackingNumberUpdate |
actionAdminThemesControllerUpdate_optionsAfter |
actionAjaxDie |
actionAjaxDieBefore |
actionAttributeCombinationDelete |
actionAttributeCombinationSave |
actionAttributeDelete |
actionAttributeGroupDelete |
actionAttributeGroupSave |
actionAttributeSave |
actionAuthentication |
actionAuthenticationBefore |
actionBeforeAjaxDie |
actionBeforeCartUpdateQty |
actionCarrierProcess |
actionCarrierUpdate |
actionCartSave |
actionCartSummary |
actionCartUpdateQuantityBefore |
actionCategoryAdd |
actionCategoryDelete |
actionCategoryUpdate |
actionCustomerAccountAdd |
actionCustomerAccountUpdate |
actionCustomerAddGroups |
actionCustomerBeforeUpdateGroup |
actionCustomerLogoutAfter |
actionCustomerLogoutBefore |
actionDeliveryPriceByPrice |
actionDeliveryPriceByWeight |
actionDispatcher |
actionDownloadAttachment |
actionFeatureDelete |
actionFeatureSave |
actionFeatureValueDelete |
actionFeatureValueSave |
actionFrontControllerSetMedia |
actionGetExtraMailTemplateVars |
actionGetIDZoneByAddressID |
actionGetProductPropertiesAfter |
actionGetProductPropertiesBefore |
actionHtaccessCreate |
actionInvoiceNumberFormatted |
actionModuleInstallAfter |
actionModuleInstallBefore |
actionModuleRegisterHookAfter |
actionModuleRegisterHookBefore |
actionModuleUnRegisterHookAfter |
actionModuleUnRegisterHookBefore |
actionObject |
actionObjectAddAfter |
actionObjectAddBefore |
actionObjectAttributeAddBefore |
actionObjectAttributeGroupAddBefore |
actionObjectDeleteAfter |
actionObjectDeleteBefore |
actionObjectUpdateAfter |
actionObjectUpdateBefore |
actionOnImageCutAfter |
actionOnImageResizeAfter |
actionOrderEdited |
actionOrderHistoryAddAfter |
actionOrderReturn |
actionOrderSlipAdd |
actionOrderStatusPostUpdate |
actionOrderStatusUpdate |
actionPDFInvoiceRender |
actionPasswordRenew |
actionPaymentCCAdd |
actionPaymentConfirmation |
actionProductAdd |
actionProductAttributeDelete |
actionProductAttributeUpdate |
actionProductCancel |
actionProductCoverage |
actionProductDelete |
actionProductOutOfStock |
actionProductSave |
actionProductUpdate |
actionSetInvoice |
actionShopDataDuplication |
actionUpdateQuantity |
actionValidateCustomerAddressForm |
actionValidateOrder |
actionWatermark |
addWebserviceResources |
additionalCustomerFormFields |
dashboardData |
dashboardZoneOne |
dashboardZoneTwo |
displayAdminOrderContentOrder |
displayAdminOrderContentShip |
displayAdminOrderTabOrder |
displayAdminOrderTabShip |
displayAdminStatsModules |
displayAfterBodyOpeningTag |
displayAfterCarrier |
displayBackOfficeCategory |
displayBackOfficeHeader |
displayBackOfficeTop |
displayBeforeBodyClosingTag |
displayBeforeCarrier |
displayCMSDisputeInformation |
displayCMSPrintButton |
displayCarrierExtraContent |
displayCarrierList |
displayCartExtraProductActions |
displayCheckoutSubtotalDetails |
displayCheckoutSummaryTop |
displayCrossSellingShoppingCart |
displayCustomerAccount |
displayCustomerAccountForm |
displayCustomerAccountFormTop |
displayCustomerLoginFormAfter |
displayCustomization |
displayExpressCheckout |
displayFeaturePostProcess |
displayFeatureValuePostProcess |
displayFooter |
displayFooterAfter |
displayFooterBefore |
displayFooterProduct |
displayHeader |
displayHome |
displayInvoiceLegalFreeText |
displayLeftColumn |
displayLeftColumnProduct |
displayMaintenance |
displayNav1 |
displayNav2 |
displayNavFullWidth |
displayNotFound |
displayOrderConfirmation |
displayOrderConfirmation1 |
displayOrderConfirmation2 |
displayOrderDetail |
displayPaymentByBinaries |
displayPaymentReturn |
displayPaymentTop |
displayProductPriceBlock |
displayReassurance |
displayRightColumn |
displayRightColumnProduct |
displaySearch |
displayShoppingCart |
displayShoppingCartFooter |
displayTop |
moduleRoutes |
overrideMinimalPurchasePrice |
termsAndConditions |
updateProduct |
validateCustomerFormFields |
Do you feel more hooks are needed for the next minor version? Suggest some through a PR!