PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.
Mickaël Andrieu's picture

All articles by Mickaël Andrieu

Technical evangelist / Creator of PrestonBot
  • Resilient PHP applications

    Introducing the PrestaShop Circuit Breaker library

    No matter how well designed is your project and how many tests you have, at some point your website can become inaccessible.

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  • Make modules on the back office great again!

    What is coming on 1.7.3 for module developers

    Since the release of 1.7.0, we are working hard on improving the way developers can customize and enhancing the quality of PrestaShop.

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  • PrestonBot has reached stable version

    Your PrestaShop community best friend

    Some weeks ago, we welcomed a new team member in the core team: Preston(Bot)!

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  • Introducing PrestonBot

    The PrestaShop community best friend

    Some of you may have noticed that a few weeks ago, we have a new team member in the core team: Preston!

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  • Here comes PrestaShop alpha 4!

    Less bugs, more fun: test it now!

    Three weeks ago we released PrestaShop alpha 3. Since then, and with the help of the community, we’ve been working on it to fix the bugs you’ve reported and to keep improving this new version. We’re now releasing PrestaShop alpha 4 version, so we can keep gathering feedback and make sure that the final and stable version will be the best it can be!

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