PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.
Simon Garny's picture

All articles by Simon Garny

QA Manager
  • How bug reports are handled

    And how we want to improve the quality of the process

    PrestaShop is a successful Open Source project – with more than 300 000 shops worldwide, merchants trust us to help them build their ecommerce shop.

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  • The (new) PrestaShop Test Framework

    And how we're continually improving the quality of the PrestaShop project

    For a few months, quality has been a priority for PrestaShop: the QA team and I are proud to announce that we’re making great steps in improving the overall quality of the core project. Automatizing tests is a big part of this process: let’s see what we’re doing, why, and how! Note: this article is focused on the Core only, but that is just a small part of what the QA team is working on. More to come in a future article!

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