PR test Generic
Customer Service
Shop Parameters
Check FO public pages
Check FO connected pages
Check FO pages in the checkout process
Check FO public pages
Check FO connected pages
Check FO pages in the checkout process
Add a currency pre-saved
Add a custom currency
Delete a currency
Search a currency by ISO code
Search a currency by enable/disable
Reset currency default settings
Edit symbol / format currency
Reset symbol / format settings
Enable/Disable a currency
Check in create order the currency available
Check generation of bill
Check access to the orders
Refresh list of currency
Reset the search
Edit a currency
Check access to the cart
Basic Test
TLS Check
Client Credential Grant Flow
External Authentification Server
Authorization Endpoint
Resource Endpoint
Internal Authentification Server
Authorization Endpoint
Resource Endpoint
POST /admin-api/api-client
DELETE /admin-api/api-client/{apiClientId}
GET /admin-api/api-client/{apiClientId}
PATCH /admin-api/api-client/{apiClientId}
GET /admin-api/api-client/infos
GET /admin-api/api-clients
POST /admin-api/customers/group
DELETE /admin-api/customers/group/{customerGroupId}
GET /admin-api/customers/group/{customerGroupId}
PUT /admin-api/customers/group/{customerGroupId}
GET /admin-api/hooks/{id}
GET /admin-api/hook-status/{id}
GET /admin-api/languages
GET /admin-api/modules
GET /admin-api/module/{technicalName}
PUT /module/{technicalName}/install
PATCH /admin-api/module/{technicalName}/reset
PUT /admin-api/module/{technicalName}/status
PUT /module/{technicalName}/uninstall
PUT /module/{technicalName}/upgrade
POST /module/upload-archive
POST /module/upload-source
PUT /admin-api/modules/toggle-status
PUT /modules/uninstall
POST /admin-api/product
DELETE /admin-api/product/{productId}
GET /admin-api/product/{productId}
PATCH /admin-api/product/{productId}
POST /admin-api/product/{productId}/image
GET /admin-api/product/{productId}/images
GET /admin-api/product/image/{imageId}
POST /admin-api/product/image/{imageId}
GET /admin-api/products
BO - Debug mode
BO - Onboarding
BO - Autoupgrade from previous version
BO - After autoupgrade, rollback to previous version
Advanced Parameters
Admin API
BO - Advanced Parameter - Authorization Server - CRUD
BO - Advanced Parameter - Authorization Server - Add API Client
BO - Advanced Parameter - Authorization Server - Edit API Client
BO - Advanced Parameters - Administration - General
BO - Advanced Parameters - Administration - Upload quota
BO - Advanced Parameters - Administration - Notifications
Db Backup
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - DB Backup - Create, Download and Delete
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - DB Backup - Pagination , Bulk Delete
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - DB Backup - Pagination and bulk delete
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - DB Backup - Backup options
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - DB Backup - Help card
SQL Manager
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - SQL Manager - CRUD
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - SQL Manager - Export
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - SQL Manager - Settings
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - SQL Manager - Filter sort pagination
BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - SQL Manager - Help card
BO - Advanced parameters - Email - Sort and pagination
BO - Advanced parameters - Email - Filter + Delete + Bulk actions
BO - Advanced parameters - Email - Send emails to
BO - Advanced parameters - Email - Enable the store name as a prefix in the email's subject
BO - Advanced parameters - Email - Enable/Disable log emails
BO - Advanced parameters - Email - Test email configuration
BO - Advanced parameters - Email - Help button
Experimental Features
BO - Advanced parameters - Import - Import file
BO - Advanced parameters - Import - Download sample files
BO - Advanced Parameters - Informations
BO - Advanced Parameters - Logs - Filter sort pagination
BO - Advanced Parameters - Logs - Logs by email
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - CRUD shop groups
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - CRUD shops
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - Filter sort pagination shop groups
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - Filter sort pagination shops
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - Filter sort pagination shops URLs
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - Quick edit & bulk actions shops URLs
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - Edit URL options
BO - Advanced Parameters - Multistore - Multistore options
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - Smarty
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - Debug mode
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - Optional features
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - CCC
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - Media servers
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - Caching
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - Clear cache
BO - Advanced Parameters - Performance - Help button
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Employees - Filter and Quick Edit
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Employees - CRUD
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Employees - Bulk Actions
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Employees - Sort pagination
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Employees - Employees options
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Employees - Help card
BO - Advanced Parameters - Team - Permissions - Edit (Menu)
BO - Advanced Parameters - Team - Permissions - Edit (Modules)
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Roles - Filter
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Roles - CRUD
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Roles - pagination and Bulk Actions
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Roles - Sort
BO - Advanced parameters - Team - Roles - Help card
BO - Advanced Parameters - Webservice - CRUD
BO - Advanced Parameters - Webservice - Quick edit enable/disable
BO - Advanced Parameters - Webservice - Help card
BO - Advanced Parameters - Webservice - Filter sort pagination
BO - Advanced Parameters - Webservice - Bulk actions
BO - Advanced Parameters - Webservice - Configuration
Attributes And Features
BO - Catalog - Attributes - Filter table
BO - Catalog - Attributes - Sort, Pagination and bulk delete
BO - Catalog - Attributes - CRUD Attributes and Values
BO - Catalog - Attributes - Change position Attributes & Values
BO - Catalog - Attributes - Help button
BO - Catalog - Attributes - Values - Filter table
BO - Catalog - Attributes - Sort, Pagination and bulk delete Values
BO - Catalog - Features - Filter table
BO - Catalog - Features - Filter Values
BO - Catalog - Features - Sort & Pagination & Bulk delete
BO - Catalog - Features - CRUD features and values
BO - Catalog - Features - Change position
BO - Catalog - Features - Help button
BO - Catalog - Features - Values - Sort & Pagination & bulk delete
Brands and Suppliers
BO - Catalog - Brands - Filter and Quick Edit
BO - Catalog - Brands - Filter Brand Addresses
BO - Catalog - Brands - Sort & Pagination Brands and Bulk Actions
BO - Catalog - Brands - CRUD Brand And Address
BO - Catalog - Brands - Sort & Pagination Addresses and Bulk Actions
BO - Catalog - Brands - Export
BO - Catalog - Brands - Helper card
BO - Catalog - Suppliers - CRUD
BO - Catalog - Suppliers - Filter and Quick Edit
BO - Catalog - Suppliers - Sort, Pagination and bulk delete
BO - Catalog - Suppliers - Helper card
BO - Catalog - Categories - Filter And Quick Edit
BO - Catalog - Categories - CRUD Categories And Subcategories
BO - Catalog - Categories - Edit home category
BO - Catalog - Categories - Change position of categories
BO - Catalog - Categories - Bulk Actions
BO - Catalog - Categories - Sort & Pagination
BO - Catalog - Categories - Help card
BO - Catalog - Categories - Export
Cart rules
BO - Cart Rules - CRUD
BO - Cart Rules - Sort, pagination
BO - Cart Rules - Filter, Quick Edit and bulk actions
BO - Cart Rules - Quantity consumption
CRUD Cart rule
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Create simple order status Apply to specific product
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Free shipping
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Apply a discount percent(%)
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Apply a discount Amount
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Apply a discount None
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Apply a discount to Order (without shipping)
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Apply a discount to Specific product
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Apply a discount to Cheapest product
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Apply a discount to Selected product(s)
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Exclude discounted products
BO - Cart rules - Actions - Send a free gift
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 1 - Limit to single customer
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 2 - Invalid Date Time
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 3 - Minimum amount
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 4 - Check Total available
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 5 - Check Total available for each User = 1
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 6 - Country selection
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 7 - Carrier selection
BO - Cart rules - Condition - Case 8 - Group customer selection
BO - Cart rules - Conditions - Case 9 - Compatibility with other cart rules
BO - Cart rules - Conditions - Case 10 - Product selection
BO - Cart rules - Information - Case 1 - Create a cart with / without Code
BO - Cart rules - Information - Case 2 - Create a cart partial use enabled / Disabled
BO - Cart rules - Information - Case 3 - Priority
BO - Cart rules - Information - Case 4 - Disable status
Catalog price rules
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD
BO - Catalog Price Rules - Filter, sort and pagination
BO - Catalog price Rules - Bulk actions
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD - Currency
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD - Country
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD - Group
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD - Price(tax excl.)
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD - Invalid date
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD - Reduction type
BO - Catalog price Rules - CRUD - Reduction with or without taxes
BO - Catalog - Files - CRUD
BO - Catalog - Files - Filter, Pagination, Sort and bulk actions
BO - Catalog - Files - Help button
BO - Catalog - Monitoring - Delete Empty Category
BO - Catalog - Monitoring - Monitoring products
BO - Catalog - Monitoring - Sort & Pagination
BO - Catalog - Monitoring - Help card
BO - Catalog - Products - Sort & pagination
BO - Catalog - Products - Add Standard Product
BO - Catalog - Products - Add Pack Product
BO - Catalog - Products - Add Virtual Product
BO - Catalog - Products - Edit Product
BO - Catalog - Products - Enable & Disable
BO - CRUD Standard product
BO - CRUD Product with combinations
BO - CRUD Pack of products
BO - CRUD Virtual product
BO - Duplicate product
BO - Delete product
BO - Product enable - disable - duplicate - delete with bulk actions
BO - Header
BO - Footer
BO - Description Tab
BO - Combinations Tab
BO - Pack Tab
BO - Virtual Product Tab
BO - Product Page - Details Tab
BO - Stocks Tab
BO - Shipping Tab
BO - Pricing Tab
BO - SEO Tab
BO - Options Tab
BO - Multistore
BO - Products list - Filter & Sort, Pagination, Filter by category, Position
BO - Products list - Bulk actions, Enable/Disable, 3-dot button
BO - Catalog - Stocks - search products
BO - Catalog - Stocks - Sort and pagination
BO - Catalog - Stocks - Update Quantity by setting input
BO - Catalog - Stocks - Bulk Edit Quantity with Input
BO - Catalog - Stocks - Filter Stocks by Status
BO - Catalog - Stocks - Display products below low stocks level first
BO - Catalog - Stocks - Filter Stocks by Supplier and Categories
BO - Catalog - Stocks - Help Button
BO - Stocks - Movements - Filter by category, movement type, employee and period
BO - Stocks - Movements - Sort and pagination
Customer Service
Customer Service
BO - Customer Service - View
BO - Customer Service - Change status
BO - Customer Service - Respond to message
BO - Customer Service - Contact options
BO - Customer Service - Customer service options
BO - Customer Service - Forward message
Merchandise returns
BO - Customer Service - Merchandise returns - Delete product
BO - Customer Service - Merchandise returns - Update status
BO - Customer Service - Merchandise returns - Update and manage options
Order Messages
BO - Customer Service - Order Messages - CRUD
BO - Customer Service - Order Messages - Sort and Pagination
BO - Customer Service - Order Messages - Pagination and sort
BO - Customer Service - Order Messages - Filter / Bulk Delete
BO - Customers - Addresses - Set and verify required fields
BO - Customers - Addresses - CRUD
BO - Customers - Addresses - Bulk Actions/Sort and pagination/Filter
BO - Customers - Addresses - Help Button
BO - Customers - Filter and Quick Edit
BO - Customers - CRUD
BO - Customers - Pagination and Sort
BO - Customers - Set required fields
BO - Customers - Export
BO - Customers - Help card
BO - Customers - View
BO - Customers - View/edit voucher
BO - Customers - Bulk Actions
BO - Customers - Transform a Guest to a Customer
BO - Customers - Outstanding - Help card
BO - Customers - Outstanding - View Invoice
BO - Customers - Outstanding - View Order
BO - Customers - Outstanding - Pagination
BO - Customers - Outstanding - Filter & Sort
BO - Dashboard - Enable/Disable demo mode + check stats
BO - Dashboard - Activity overview
BO - Dashboard - Products and sales
BO - Dashboard - Contextual help
BO - Dashboard - Forecast
Email themes
BO - Design - Email Theme - Preview email themes
BO - Design - Email Theme - Configuration of the whole page
BO - Design - Email Theme - Back to configuration link
Image Settings
BO - Design - Image Settings - Filter
BO - Design - Image Settings - CRUD
BO - Design - Image Settings - Images generation options
BO - Design - Image Settings - Sort and Pagination
BO - Design - Image Settings - Delete actions
BO - Design - Image Settings - Delete Bulk actions - feature not integrated -
BO - Design - Image Settings - Image Generation options - Automated version
BO - Design - Image Settings - Regenerate thumbnail
BO - Design - Image Settings - Image Generation on creation
BO - Design - Image Settings - Delete all images format - feature not integrated -
BO - Design - Image Settings - Check product image format
BO - Design - Image Settings - Check category image format
BO - Design - Image Settings - Check stores image format
BO - Design - Image Settings - Check base image format
Link list
BO - Design - Link Widget - Change position
BO - Design - Link List - CRUD
BO - Design - Link Widget - Sort Link List
BO - Design - Pages - Help button
BO - Design - Pages - CRUD Page Category
BO - Design - Pages - Filter and Quick Edit Categories
BO - Design - Pages - Categories Bulk Actions
BO - Design - Pages - Filter and Quick Edit
BO - Design - Pages - Bulk Actions
BO - Design - Pages - Sort
BO - Design - Pages - Pagination
BO - Design - Positions - Transplant a module
BO - Design - Positions - Filter modules
BO - Design - Positions - Search a hook
BO - Design - Positions - Display non-positionable hooks
BO - Design - Positions - Unhook module in list by Bulk actions
BO - Design - Positions - Edit Hook
BO - Design - Positions - Change position (drag and drop)
Theme & Logo
Advanced Customization
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Advanced Customization - Download theme
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Advanced Customization - Check documentation links
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Advanced Customization - Upload child theme
Page Configuration
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Page Configuration - Disable / Enable desktop and mobile
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Page Configuration - Reset
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Page Configuration - Uninstall
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Page Configuration - See all theme's modules button
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Page Configuration - Configure module
Theme & Logo
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Add new theme
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Export current theme
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Change Header / Mail / Invoice logos and Favicon icon
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Change theme
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Configure page layouts
BO - Design - Theme & Logo - Reset to default
Theme catalog
BO - Left Menu
BO - Header - Quick access
BO - Header - Search bar
BO - Header - View my shop
BO - Header - Check notifications
BO - Header - My Profile
BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Create Official Currency
BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Create Unofficial Currency
BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Exchange rate
BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Edit official and unofficial currency
BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Filter & sort & pagination
BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Help button
BO - International - Localization - Geolocation - Update options
BO - International - Localization - Geolocation - Update IP address whitelist
BO - International - Localization - Languages - Filter
BO - International - Localization - Languages - CRUD
BO - International - Localization - Languages - Bulk actions
BO - International - Localization - Languages - Sort
BO - International - Localization - Languages - Quick edit
BO - International - Localization - Languages - Help button
BO - International - Localization - Import localization pack
BO - International - Localization - Default language
BO - International - Localization - Edit local units
BO - International - Localization - Set default country
BO - International - Localization - Update default language
BO - International - Localization - Help button
BO - International - Localization - Default currency
BO - International - Localization - Set time zone
BO - International - Locations - Countries - Filter and QuickEdit
BO - International - Locations - Countries - CRUD
BO - International - Locations - Countries - Bulk actions
BO - International - Locations - Countries - Sort and pagination
BO - International - Locations - Countries - Enable / Disable Countries
BO - International - Locations - Countries - Help button
BO - International - Locations - States - Filter and Quick edit
BO - International - Locations - States - CRUD
BO - International - Locations - States - Bulk actions
BO - International - Locations - States - Sort and pagination
BO - International - Locations - States - Help button
BO - International - Locations - Zones - Filter and Quick edit
BO - International - Locations - Zones - CRUD
BO - International - Locations - Zones - Bulk actions
BO - International - Locations - Zones - Sort and Pagination
Tax Rules
BO - International - Tax Rules - Filter, sort and pagination
BO - International - Tax Rules - CRUD Tax rules group
BO - International - Tax Rules - CRUD
BO - International - Tax Rules - quick edit & Bulk actions
BO - International - Taxes - Filter and Quick Edit
BO - International - Taxes - CRUD
BO - International - Taxes - Bulk Actions
BO - International - Taxes - Tax Options Form
BO - International - Taxes - Sort and pagination
BO - International - Translations - Modify translations and check result
BO - International - Translations - Add or update languages
BO - International - Translations - Export a language
BO - International - Translations - Copy translations
BO - Login - Log into BO
BO - Login- Password reminder
BO - Login - Logout from the BO
BO - Login - Check links
Module Manager
BO - Modules - Alerts tab - Reset
BO - Modules - Alerts tab - Uninstall
BO - Modules - Alerts tab - Configure module
BO - Modules - Alerts tab - Upgrade
BO - Modules - Filter by status
BO - Modules - Filter by category
BO - Modules - Search
BO - Modules - Disable / Enable desktop and mobile
BO - Modules - Reset
BO - Modules - Uninstall
BO - Modules - Bulk actions
BO - Modules - Upload a module
BO - Modules - Configure module
BO - Modules - Upgrade
BO - Modules - Updates tab - Uninstall
BO - Modules - Updates tab - Upgrade
Credit Slips
BO - Orders - Credit Slips - Filter Credit Slips
BO - Orders - Credit Slips - Sort & Pagination Credit Slips
BO - Orders - Credit Slips - Generate Credit Slips By Date
BO - Orders - Credit Slips - Credit Slip Options
Delivery Slips
BO - Orders - Delivery Slips - Generate Delivery Slip By Date
Delivery Slips Options
BO - Orders - Delivery Slips - Delivery Slip Prefix
BO - Orders - Delivery Slips - Delivery Slip Number
BO - Orders - Delivery Slips - Enable/Disable Product Image
BO - Orders - Invoices - Generate Invoice By Date
BO - Orders - Invoices - Generate Invoice By Status
Invoice Options
BO - Orders - Invoices - Enable/Disable Invoices
BO - Orders - Invoices - Enable/Disable Tax Breakdown
BO - Orders - Invoices - Enable/Disable Product Image
BO - Orders - Invoices - Invoice Prefix
BO - Orders - Invoices - Enable/Disable Current Year
BO - Orders - Invoices - Other Options
BO- Orders - Filter orders table
BO - Orders - Sort orders
BO - Orders - Preview order
BO - Orders - View customer
BO - Orders - View Guest
BO - Orders - Bulk actions status
BO - Orders - Bulk actions - Open in new tabs
BO - Orders - Update order status
BO - Orders - Statistics of the page
BO - Orders - Pagination
BO - Orders - Export Orders
BO - Orders - Help Button
Create an order
BO - Order creation - Create simple order
BO - Order creation - Create customer
BO - Order creation - Search for customers
BO - Order creation - Select previous Cart
BO - Order creation - Select previous Orders
BO - Order creation - Add a product to the cart
BO - Order creation - Search/ Add/ Remove a voucher
BO - Order creation - Choose address
BO - Order creation - Choose Shipping
BO - Order creation - Check Summary and create order
BO - Order creation - Proceed to checkout in the front office
View and edit an order
BO - Order details - Customer block
BO - Order details - Product block
BO - Order details - Status tab
BO - Order details - Documents tab
BO - Order details - Carriers tab
BO - Order details - Merchandise returns tab
BO - Order details - Message block
BO - Order details - Payment block
BO - Order details - Change order status with dropdown
BO - Order details - Add a discount
BO - Order details - Check invoice
BO - Order details - Check multi invoice behaviour
BO - Order details - Return a product
Shopping carts
BO - Orders - Shopping carts - Filter table
BO - Orders - Shopping carts - Sort shopping carts
BO - Orders - Shopping carts - Pagination & sort
BO - Orders - Shopping carts - View carts
BO - Orders - Shopping carts - Delete abandoned carts
BO - Orders - Shopping carts - Export carts
BO - Orders - Shopping carts - Statistics
Payment methods
BO - Payments - Payment methods - Configure module
BO - Payments - Preferences - Edit Currency restrictions
BO - Payments - Preferences - Edit Group restrictions
BO - Payments - Preferences - Edit Country restrictions
BO - Payments - Preferences - Edit Carrier restrictions
BO - Shipping - Carriers - CRUD
BO - Shipping - Carriers - Filter, sort, pagination
BO - Shipping - Carriers - Bulk actions
BO - Shipping - Carriers - Quick Edit status and free shipping
BO - Shipping - Carriers - Change position
BO - Shipping - Carriers - General Settings
BO - Shipping - Carriers - Shipping locations and costs
BO - Shipping - Carriers - Size and weight
BO - Shipping - Preferences - Handling
BO - Shipping - Preferences - Sort by Order By
BO - Shipping - Preferences - Default carrier
Shop Parameters
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Filter
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Bulk actions
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Sort and pagination
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Stores - Filter, quick edit
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Stores - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Stores - Bulk actions
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Stores - Update contact details
BO - Shop Parameters - Contacts - Stores - Sort & pagination
Customers Setting
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Re-display cart at login
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Send an email after registration
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Password reset delay
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Enable B2B mode
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Ask for birth date
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Enable partner offers
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Groups - Filter, sort and pagination
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Groups - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Groups - Default groups options
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Titles - Filter, sort and pagination
BO - Shop parameters - Customer Settings - Titles - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Customer Settings - Titles - Bulk actions
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Enable / disable SSL
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Disable / Enable Front office security
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Allow iframes
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Round mode
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Enable / Disable Supplier
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Enable / Disable Brands
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Enable / Disable Best sellers
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Enable / disable multistore
BO - Shop Parameters - General - Maintenance
Order settings
Order settings
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Enable / disable final summary
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Enable / disable guest checkout
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Enable / disable reordering option
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Minimum purchase total required in order to validate the order
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Recalculate shipping costs after editing the order
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Delayed shipping
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Terms of service
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Terms and conditions
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Set backorder status
Gift options
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Settings - Gift options
Order Statuses
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Statuses - Statuses - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Statuses - Statuses - Quick edit
BO - Shop Parameters - Order Statuses - Statuses - Filter, Sort,Pagination
BO - Shop Parameters - Order return status - Bulk actions
Return statuses
BO - Shop Parameters - Return Statuses - CRUD order return status
BO - Shop Parameters - Return statuses - Filter, sort, pagination and bulk actions
Product Setting
Pagination setting
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Products per page
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Default order by / Default order method
Product page
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Enable, disable display available quantities
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Display the "add to cart" button when a product has attributes
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Use combination image in listings
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Separator of attribute anchor on the product links
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Enable display discounted unit price
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Display notifications
Products general
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Enable, disable catalog mode
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - New days number
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Max size short description
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Enable, disable, force update friendly url
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Enable, disable default activation status
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Default order of priority for specific prices
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Quantity discounts based on
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Category used in breadcrumbs
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Default behavior for disabled products
Products stocks setting
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Allow ordering of out-of-stock products & Enable stock management
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Default pack stock behavior
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Display unavailable product attributes on the product page
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Display remaining quantities
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Label of in-stock products
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Update label oos allowed/denied backorders
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Delivery time of in-stock products
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed backorders
BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Display out-of-stock label on product listing pages
BO - Shop Parameters - Search - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Search - Filter, sort, pagination, Bulk actions
BO - Shop Parameters - Search - Indexing
BO - Shop Parameters - Search - Indexing - Set a cron job
BO - Shop Parameters - Search - Weight
Edit Search Settings
BO - Search - Search within word
BO - Search - Search exact end match
BO - Search - Fuzzy search
BO - Search - Maximum approximate words allowed by fuzzy search
BO - Search - Maximum word length (in characters)
BO - Search - Minimum word length (in characters)
BO - Search - Blacklisted words
BO - Shop Parameters - Search - Tags - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Search - Tags - Filter, sort, pagination, Bulk actions
Trafic and Seo
Search Engines
BO - Shop Parameters - Traffic and SEO - Search Engines - Filter, Sort and Pagination
BO - Shop Parameters - Traffic and SEO - Search Engines - CRUD
BO - Shop Parameters - Traffic and SEO - Search Engines - Bulk action
BO - Shop Parameters - Search engines - Help card
Seo and Urls
Robots file generation
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Generate Robots.txt file
Schema of URLs
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Update Schema of URLs
Seo and Urls
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Filter SEO Pages
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - CRUD SEO page
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Bulk actions
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Sort and pagination
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Help card
SEO options
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - SEO Options
Set shop URL
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Set shop URL
Set up urls
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Set up URLs - Enable, disable friendly URL
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Set up URLs - Use prefix for default language
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Set up URLs - Enable, disable accented URL
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Set up URLs - Redirect to the canonical URL
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Set up URLs - Disable Apache's MultiViews option
BO - Shop Parameters - SEO & URLs - Set up URLs - Disable Apache's mod_security module
FO - Cart - Change quantity
FO - Cart - Delete product
FO - Cart - Add a promo code
FO - Cart - Display modal product customization
FO - Cart - Display discount on product
FO - Cart - Modal - Display of modal when adding a product to cart
FO - Cart - Modal - Continue shopping / Proceed to checkout / Close
FO - Checkout - Show details
FO - Checkout - Display of total (price, vouchers, shipping)
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Guest checkout : Use same invoice address
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Use another address for invoice as a guest
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Select an address
FO - Checkout - Addresses - CRUD address
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Billing address when logged in
FO - Checkout - Payment - Choose a payment method
Personal information
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Order as a guest
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Sign in
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Create an account
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Password reminder
Shipping method
FO - Checkout - Shipping method - Add order message
FO - Checkout - Shipping method - Select a carrier
Contact us
FO - Contact us - Mailto
FO - Contact us - Add attachment
FO - Contact us - Send a message while logged in
FO - Contact us - Send message while logged out
Header & Footer
FO - Header & Footer - Check links in header
FO - Header & Footer - Check links in footer
FO - Header & Footer - Change language
FO - Header & Footer - Change currency
FO - Homepage - Slider
FO - Homepage - Display some products
FO - Homepage - All products
FO - Homepage - Consult product quickview
FO - Home page - Select color on hover on product list
FO - Login - Create an account
FO - Login - Logout
FO - Login - Password reminder
FO - Login
Menu and Navigation
Navigate in Categories
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate in Categories - Consult categories (with many sub items)
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate in Categories - Breadcrumb
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate in Categories - Side block categories
Navigation and display
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Display of tag products (New, Promo, Pack...)
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Pagination
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Quickview of product
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Display "On sale" bandeau
Sort and filter
FO - Menu and Navigation - Sort and filter - Sort the products
FO - Menu and Navigation - Sort and filter - Filter products
FO - Menu and Navigation - Sort and filter - Clear one filter
FO - Newsletter - Subscribe to newsletter
Order confirmation
FO - Order confirmation - List of ordered products
FO - Order confirmation - Display of product customization
FO - Order confirmation - Order details and totals - Recap of payment method
FO - Order confirmation - Popular products
FO - Order confirmation - Contact us
Product Page
Product page
FO - Product Page - Add to cart
FO - Product Page - Change quantity
FO - Product Page - Change image
FO - Product Page - Share links
FO - Product Page - Add a text customization
FO - Product Page - Add a file customization
FO - Product Page - Add a required customization
FO - Product Page - Change combination
FO - Product Page - Changing color when changing combination - Color
FO - Product Page - Display volume discount
FO - Product Page - Display discount on product
FO - Product Page - Display tag products (New, On sale, Pack...)
FO - Product Page - Display "On sale" label
FO - Product Page - Display Specific delivery time
FO - Product Page - Display pack content and link to product
Product quickview
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Add to cart
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Change quantity
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Share links
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Display of the product
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Close
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Change combination on popup
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Change image
FO - Search - Search product bar, consult autocomplete list
FO - Search - Search a product and validate
FO - Search - Search no result
FO - Search - Consult results list
Fo - Search - Sort results list
FO - Search - Consult product quickview
User account
FO - User account - Edit informations
FO - User account - CRUD address
FO - User account - View vouchers
FO - User account - Get GDPR Data in PDF
FO - User account - Get GDPR Data in CSV
FO - User account - Contact us on GDPR page
FO - User account - Log out
Credit slips
FO - User account - Credit Slips - Consult credit slip list & View PDF Credit slip & View order
Merchandise Returns
FO - User account - Merchandise Returns - Consult return details
FO - User account - Merchandise Returns - Check PDF order return
Order history
FO - User account - Order history - Consult order list
FO - User account - Order history - Reorder order from list
FO - User account - Order history - Download invoice from orders list
Order details
FO - Reorder order from details
FO - Download invoice from order details
FO - Request a merchandise return from order details
FO - Send a message
FO - Cart - Change quantity
FO - Cart - Delete product
FO - Cart - Add a promo code
FO - Cart - Display modal product customization
FO - Cart - Display discount on product
FO - Cart - Modal - Display of modal when adding a product to cart
FO - Cart - Modal - Continue shopping / Proceed to checkout / Close
FO - Checkout - Show details
FO - Checkout - Display of total (price, vouchers, shipping)
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Guest checkout : Use same invoice address
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Use another address for invoice as a guest
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Select an address
FO - Checkout - Addresses - CRUD address
FO - Checkout - Addresses - Billing address when logged in
FO - Checkout - Payment - Choose a payment method
Personal information
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Order as a guest
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Sign in
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Create an account
FO - Checkout - Personal Information - Password reminder
Shipping method
FO - Checkout - Shipping method - Add order message
FO - Checkout - Shipping method - Select a carrier
Contact us
FO - Contact us - Mailto
FO - Contact us - Add attachment
FO - Contact us - Send a message while logged in
FO - Contact us - Send message while logged out
Header & Footer
FO - Header & Footer - Check links in header
FO - Header & Footer - Check links in footer
FO - Header & Footer - Change currency
FO - Header & Footer - Change language
FO - Homepage - Slider
FO - Homepage - Display some products
FO - Homepage - All products
FO - Homepage - Consult product quickview
FO - Homepage - Select color on product list
FO - Login - Password reminder
FO - Login
FO - Login - Logout
FO - Login - Create an account
Menu & Navigation
Navigate in Categories
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate in Categories - Consult categories (with many sub items)
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate in Categories - Breadcrumb
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate in Categories -Side block categories
Navigation and display
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Display of tag products (New, Promo, Pack...)
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Pagination
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Quickview of product
FO - Menu and Navigation - Navigate and display - Display "On sale!" bandeau
Sort and filter
FO - Menu and Navigation - Sort and filter - Sort the products
FO - Menu and Navigation - Sort and filter - Filter products
FO - Menu and Navigation - Sort and filter - Clear filters
FO - Newsletter - Subscribe to newsletter
Order confirmation
FO - Order confirmation - List of ordered products
FO - Order confirmation - Display of product customization
FO - Order confirmation - Order details and totals - Recap of payment method
FO - Order confirmation - Popular products
FO - Order confirmation - Contact us
Product Page
Product page
FO - Product Page - Add to cart
FO - Product Page - Change quantity
FO - Product Page - Change image
FO - Product Page - Share links
FO - Product Page - Download attachment
FO - Product Page - Add a customization
FO - Product Page - Change combination
FO - Product Page - Out-of-Stock behaviour
FO - Product Page - Display tag products (New, On sale, Pack, Out-of-stock, Discount...)
FO - Product Page - Display "On sale" label
FO - Product Page - Display Specific delivery time
FO - Product Page - Display pack content and link to product
FO - Product Page - Display discount and volume discount
Product quickview
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Add to cart
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Change quantity
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Share links
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Display of the product
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Close
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Change combination on popup
FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Change image
FO - Search - Search product bar, consult autocomplete list
FO - Search - Search a product and validate
FO - Search - Search no result
FO - Search - Consult results list
FO - Search - Sort results list
FO - Search - Consult product quickview
User account
FO - User account - Edit informations
FO - User account - CRUD address
FO - User account - View vouchers
FO - User account - Get GDPR Data in PDF
FO - User account - Get GDPR Data in CSV
FO - User account - Log out
FO - User account - Contact us on GDPR page
Credit slips
FO - User account - Credit Slips - Consult credit slip list & View PDF Credit slip & View order
Merchandise returns
FO - User account - Merchandise Returns - Consult return details
FO - User account - Merchandise Returns - Check PDF order return
Order history
FO - User account - Order history - Download invoice from orders list
FO - User account - Order history - Consult details and Reorder
Order details
FO - User account - Order history - Order details - Send a message
FO - User account - Order history - Order details - Request a merchandise return from order details
FO - User account - Order history - Order details - Download invoice from order details
FO - User account - Order history - Order details - Reorder order from details
Countries : CRUD
Products : CRUD
Orders : CRUD
Stores : CRUD
Orders Campaign
Create order BO
Create a simple order without cart rules
Create an order with amount cart rule
Create an order with multiple cart rule
Create an order with a cart rule using % + Gift + free shipping
Create order with percent cart rule
Create order with catalog cart rule on a product or a category
Create an order with an existing customer
Create an order and add a new customer
Create order FO
Create a simple order without cart rules
Create an order with amount cart rule
Create an order with multiple cart rule
Create an order with a cart rule using % + Gift + free shipping
Create order with percent cart rule
Create order with catalog cart rule on a product or a category
Checkout - 100 percent discount FO
Computing precision FO
[FO] - CRUD address
Access to Menu tab is denied with neither left menu and Url
BO - Filter Products
BO - CRUD Standard product
BO - CRUD Product with combinations
BO - CRUD Pack of products
BO - Delete product
BO - Delete product with bulk actions
BO - CRUD Virtual product
Upgrade Shop with minor release
Upgrade Shop with major release
Upgrade Shop with local archive release
Autoupgrade - Verify the experimented featured
Autoupgrade - Verify catalog page after upgrade to V9
Autoupgrade - Verify the database after upgrade to V9
Autoupgrade - Verify the UI of the module
Autoupgrade - New UI - Rollback and check the changes on mixpanel
Autoupgrade - Report after a fail of autoupgrade
Autoupgrade - Verification during the upgrade
Autoupgrade - Verification before the upgrade
Autoupgrade - STORYBOOK
Autoupgrade - Check/Upgrade/Rollback with the CLI
Autoupgrade - Verify the New UI
Autoupgrade - Verify the New UI in local
[FO] Upgrade from 1.7.5 to last build and then exploratory test on FO
[BO] Upgrade from 1.7.5 to last build and then exploratory test on BO
[BO] Upgrade from 1.7.2 to last build and then exploratory test on BO
[FO] Upgrade from 1.7.2 to last build and then exploratory test on FO
[FO] Upgrade from to last build and then exploratory test on FO
[BO] Upgrade from to last build and then exploratory test on BO
[BO] Upgrade from to last build and then exploratory test on BO
[FO] Upgrade from to last build and then exploratory test on FO
[FO] Upgrade from 1.7.4 to last build and then exploratory test on FO
[BO] Upgrade from 1.7.4 to last build and then exploratory test on BO
[FO] Upgrade from 1.7.6 to last build and then exploratory test on FO
[BO] Upgrade from 1.7.6 to last build and then exploratory test on BO
Test Checker les events sur prestashop avec les tests
Pages de commande
blockreassurance - Change the position of the bloc in order pages
Pages produits
blockreassurance - Change the position of the bloc in products pages
Paramètres généraux
blockreassurance - Change the position in the header
blockreassurance - Change the position in the footer
blockreassurance - Change colors
blockreassurance - Disable/Enable a bloc
blockreassurance - Edit a bloc
blockreassurance - Delete a bloc
blockreassurance - Add a bloc
blockreassurance - Drag and drop bloc
blockreassurance - Upgrade
blockreassurance - Uninstall/Install
blockreassurance - Uninstall and delete
Wording and statistics
Wishlist module - Statistics tab settings
Wishlist module - Configuration tab settings
Wishlist module - Help header buttons
Front Office
Wishlist module - Create a list
Wishlist module - Rename & delete a list
Wishlist module - Share a list
Create a list
Edit and delete a list
Share a list
Wishlist module - Add a product to a list
Wishlist module - Edit a product on a wishlist
Wishlist module - Delete a product from a wishlist
Add a product to a list
Edit and delete products in a list
Wishlist module - Edit and delete product in a list
Wishlist module - Disable/Enable module
Wishlist module - Reset module
Wishlist module - Upgrade module
Wishlist module - Uninstall/Install module
Wishlist module - Uninstall and delete module
contactform - Enable/Disable email copy to customer
contactform - Enable/Disable email copy to merchant
contactform - Check email data
contactform - Upgrade
contactform - Uninstall/Install
contactform - Uninstall and delete
dashactivity - Check KPIs in Dashboard
dashactivity - Upgrade
dashactivity - Uninstall/Install
dashactivity - Uninstall and delete
dashactivity - Reset
dashactivity - Disable
dashtrends - Check the display of the module on the dashboard
dashtrends - Disable, Enable, Reset, uninstall, upload and upgrade module
productcomments - Enable/disable comment validation by employee
productcomments - Enable/disable the authorization for guest user to comment
productcomments - Enable/disable the vote on a comment
productcomments - Enable/disable anonymisation of the user's last name
productcomments - Setup time between two comments
productcomments - Setup number of comments by page
productcomments - Approve/Disapprove a comment
productcomments - CRUD criteria
productcomments - Delete an approved comment
productcomments - Add a comment
productcomments - Report a comment
productcomments - Vote for a comment
productcomments - Check the name of a deleted user with anonymise last name option enable
productcomments - Check the name of a deleted user
productcomments - Check that rating is displayed
Product Comment - Upgrade
Product comments - Uninstall/Install
Product Comments - Uninstall and delete
ps_apiresources - Uninstall/Install module
ps_apiresources - Disable/Enable module
ps_banner - Change banner
ps_banner - Upgrade
ps_banner - Uninstall/Install
ps_banner - Uninstall and delete
Cash on delivery (COD) module - Available on Addons Marketplace
Cash on delivery (COD) module - Place an order with it
Cash on delivery (COD) module - Upgrade module
Cash on delivery (COD) module - Uninstall/Install module
Cash on delivery (COD) module - Uninstall and delete module
Cash on delivery (COD) module - Reset module
Cash on delivery (COD) module - Disable/Enable module
Category products module - Display products' prices
Category products module- Number of product to display
Category products module - BO header buttons
Category products module - Disable/Enable module
Category products module - Disable Mobile/Enable Mobile module
Category products module - Reset module
Category products module - Upgrade module
Category products module - Uninstall/Install module
Category products module - Uninstall and delete module
ps_categorytree - Change category root option
ps_categorytree - Change Maximum depth option
ps_categorytree - Change Sort and Sort order option
ps_categorytree - Upgrade
ps_categorytree - Uninstall/Install
ps_categorytree - Uninstall and delete
ps_checkpayment - Configure basic informations
ps_checkpayment - Made a payment with check
ps_checkpayment - Upgrade
ps_checkpayment - Uninstall/Install
ps_checkpayment - Uninstall and delete
ps_contactinfo - Enable display email in FO
ps_contactinfo - Disable display email in FO
ps_contactinfo - Display form contact
ps_contactinfo - Upgrade
ps_contactinfo - Uninstall/Install
ps_contactinfo - Uninstall and delete
ps_crossselling - Enable / Disable Show price
ps_crossselling - Change number of product display in the crossselling bloc
ps_crossselling - Display the bloc in shopping cart footer
ps_crossselling - Upgrade
ps_crossselling - Uninstall/Install
ps_crossselling - Uninstall and delete
ps_customeraccountlinks - Check footer links
ps_customeraccountlinks - Upgrade
ps_customeraccountlinks - Uninstall/Install
ps_customeraccountlinks - Uninstall and delete
ps_customersignin - Reset password
ps_customersignin - Login with an email without account
ps_customersignin - Logout
ps_customersignin - Login with wrong/right password
ps_customersignin - Upgrade
ps_customersignin - Uninstall/Install
ps_customersignin - Uninstall and delete
ps_customtext - Delete text and check error message
ps_customtext - Change text and check FO
ps_customtext - Upgrade
ps_customtext - Uninstall/Install
ps_customtext - Uninstall and delete
ps_dataprivacy - Change message for customer
ps_dataprivacy - Upgrade
ps_dataprivacy - Uninstall/Install
ps_dataprivacy - Uninstall and delete
Mail alerts module - BO Header Buttons
Customer notifications
Enable/Disable notification for product availability
Enable/Disable Notification for order edition
Check that the entered email in the footer email block is saved
Mail alerts module - Customer notifications - Enable/Disable product availability
Mail alerts module - Customer notifications - Enable/Disable order edit
Merchant notifications
Enable/Disable notification new order
Enable/Disable notification for product out of stock
Configure the minimum quantity for out of stock
Enable/Disable notification for return product
Configure the email address to receive notification
Mail alerts module - Merchant notifications - Enable/Disable new order
Mail alerts module - Merchant notifications - Enable/Disable out of stock
Mail alerts module - Merchant notifications - Configure the minimum quantity for out of stock (Threshold)
Mail alerts module - Merchant notifications - Enable/Disable returns
Mail alerts module - Merchant notifications - Configure email addresses
Mail alerts module - Uninstall/Install module
Mail alerts module - Upgrade module
Mail alerts module - Uninstall and delete module
Mail alerts module - Reset module
Mail alerts module - Disable/Enable module
Uninstall and delete
ps_emailsubscription - Check the display of the email block in the left column
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the entered email in the left column email block is saved
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the email is send with a promo code when a Welcome voucher code is configured
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the verification email is send
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the confirmation email is send
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the text entered in the module is updated in front office
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the CSV export by country is working
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the CSV export by subscriber is working
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the CSV export by partner offer is working
ps_emailsubscription - Check that the customer is registred
ps_emailsubscription - Check you can't register an email already registered
ps_emailsubscription - Check the "display" button opens the add/edit customer page
ps_emailsubscription - Check if the unsubscribtion is working in the module configuration
ps_emailsubscription - Search an email address
ps_emailsubscription - Check the ID in the tab configuration if the email address is not linked to a customer
ps_emailsubscription - Check the ID in the tab configuration if the email address is linked to a customer
ps_emailsubscription - Check the ID in the tab configuration if the user register as customer and check the box subscribe
ps_emailsubscription - Check the ID in the tab configuration if the user register as customer and uncheck the box subscribe
Faceted search module - Show the number of matching products's field configuration
Faceted search module - Show products from subcategories's field configuration
Faceted search module - Show products only from default category's field configuration
Faceted search module - Show unavailable, out of stock last's field configuration
Faceted search module - Category filter depth field configuration
Faceted search module - Use tax to filter price field configuration
Faceted search module - Use rounding to filter price field configuration
Faceted search module - Edit template - Name and categories fields
Faceted search module - Edit template - Sub-categories filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Size filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Color filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Composition filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Property filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Product stock filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Product brand filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Product condition filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Dimension filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Paper type filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Product weight filter
Faceted search module - Edit template - Product price filter
Faceted search module - Add new template
Faceted search module - BO header buttons
Faceted search module - Upgrade module
Faceted search module - Uninstall/Install module
Faceted search module - Disable/Enable module
Faceted search module - Uninstall and delete module
Faceted search module - Reset module
ps_faviconnotificationbo - Upgrade
ps_faviconnotificationbo - Uninstall / Install
ps_faviconnotificationbo - Uninstall and delete
ps_featuredproducts - Change the number of products displayed
ps_featuredproducts - Choose the category to display
ps_featuredproducts - Randomly display featured products
ps_featuredproducts - Upgrade
ps_featuredproducts - Uninstall/Install
ps_featuredproducts - Uninstall and delete
ps_googleanalytics - Configure (set Google Analytics Tracking ID)
ps_googleanalytics - Enable Back Office Tracking
Check Order from the BO
Multishop case
FO - Create an order from the FO
FO - Create an order with a guest account
FO - Create an Order by existing customer
ps_googleanalytics - Upgrade
ps_googleanalytics - Uninstall/Install
ps_googleanalytics - Uninstall and delete
ps_googleanalytics - Disable / Enable
BO - Modules : ps_imageslider - Configure
ps_linklist - Create a bloc
ps_linklist - Edit a bloc
ps_linklist - Delete a bloc
ps_linklist - Upgrade
ps_linklist - Uninstall/Install
ps_linklist - Uninstall and delete
ps_mainmenu - Configure Menu Top Link
ps_mainmenu - Configure Add a new link
New products block module - Configure settings of "Products to display" field
New products block module - BO header buttons
New products block module - Configure settings of "Number of days for which the product is considered 'new'" field
New products block module - Upgrade module
New products block module - Uninstall/Install module
New products block module - Uninstall and delete module
New products block module - Reset module
New products block module - Disable/Enable module
ps_searchbar - Make a search
ps_searchbar - Upgrade
ps_searchbar - Uninstall/Install
ps_searchbar - Uninstall and delete
ps_searchbar - Disable
ps_sharebuttons - Enable / disable facebook sharing
ps_sharebuttons - Enable / disable twitter sharing
ps_sharebuttons - Enable / disable pinterest sharing
ps_sharebuttons - Upgrade
ps_sharebuttons - Uninstall/Install
ps_sharebuttons - Uninstall and delete
ps_shoppingcart - Enable/Disable ajax cart
ps_shoppingcart - Check the modal & add to cart
ps_shoppingcart - Upgrade
ps_shoppingcart - Uninstall/Install
ps_shoppingcart - Uninstall and delete
ps_socialfollow - BO - Add URL to the different social media
ps_socialfollow - FO - Check that all social pictogram is display properly
ps_socialfollow - FO - Check that all links are redirecting to the right URL
ps_socialfollow - BO - Uninstall the module
ps_socialfollow - BO - Install the module
ps_socialfollow - BO - Upgrade the module
ps_supplierlist - Configure Settings
Select a bloc in the picture & Configure a module
Uninstall/Install a module
Uninstall and delete
Theme Customization module - Available on Addons Marketplace
Select a bloc in the picture & Configure a module
Theme Customization module - Pages configuration tab
Theme Customization module - Advanced Customization tab
Theme Customization module - Upgrade module
Theme Customization module - Uninstall/Install module
Theme Customization module - Uninstall and delete module
Theme Customization module - Reset module
Theme Customization module - Disable/Enable module
ps_viewedproduct - Configure Settings
BO - Modules - GDPR - Get started
BO - Modules - GDPR - Personal data manager for customer
BO - Modules - GDPR - Consent checkbox customization
BO - Modules - GDPR - Customer activity tracking
BO - Modules - GDPR - Help
BO - Modules - GDPR - Autoupgrade
BO - Modules - GDPR - Multistore
BO - Modules - GDPR - Personal data manager for guest
Official GDPR module - Upgrade module
Official GDPR module - Uninstall/Install module
Official GDPR module - Reset module
Official GDPR module - New products block module - Uninstall and delete module
Official GDPR module - Disable/Enable module
statsbestcustomers - Check the stat of best customer
statsbestcustomers - Upgrade
statsbestcustomers - Uninstall/Install
statsbestcustomers - Uninstall and delete
statsvisits - Check stats
statsvisits - Upgrade
statsvisits - Uninstall/Install
statsvisits - Uninstall and delete
welcome - Full onboarding process
welcome - Pausing and resetting the module
Known Bugs
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Tests Documentation